About us

Only the best can ever be good enough. Regain control over your IT projects with the help of our visionary team of passionate artists and programmers. Whether you need a mobile app, a website, or a custom IT service solution, AGCSoft will help you to accomplish your goals and reach exceptional heights.

Development and IT consultancy for businesses

Gain control

B2B development and IT consultancy

  • Build your project with a dedicated team Have the world’s finest developers and designers at the tip of your fingers. With talent, know-how, and decades of collective experience, our IT experts will provide your company with Silicon Valley-level quality of service wherever you are.
  • Extend your existing development team We’re always ready to give a helping hand. Give your projects a turbo boost and overcome all of your obstacles in record time with the help of AGCSoft’s plug-and-play smart outsourcing technologies.

Technology stack


Alexander P.


Artjom M.

QA specialist Team Lead

Tatjana S.

HR manager

Alexander Z.

Mobile PM

Roma Z.

Backend dev Team Lead

Arthur S.

Legal officer

Vladimirs G.

Backend dev Team Lead

Aleksej K.

Frontend dev Team Lead

Over 100 employees

Careers at AGCSoft


IT Administration